Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Today is Valentine’s Day.

What does Valentine’s Day mean to you?
Is it a day you celebrate your love and relationship? Or is a day to be dreaded because you have no one to share it with?
I was not looking forward to Valentine’s Day this year. It never really bothered me in the past that I was alone on Valentine’s Day, but for some reason this year it did leading up to it. I don’t care about the candy or the flowers, (though jewelry would be nice:-).
For some time now since my weight loss surgery I have been missing that special someone to share my life with.

Before my surgery, before I started to get healthy, I didn’t want to live my life much less share it with anyone. Valentine’s Day was just another day to me then, no big deal. Now I am happier and love my life, I want to share it with someone who can appreciate the joy I feel just for living right now.
So, this week coming up to today, it has been a little depressing. I could only focus on what I did not have in my life. Then this morning I woke up bursting with love and joy, and yes I would still love to have that special person in my life, but I still have me. I woke up loving me. I woke up in love with everyone in my life, grateful for all those who have supported me on this journey I have embarked on. Love for my children who no longer have to live in fear that they are going to lose their mother way to soon, Love for my mother, and my sister, love for my friends who were always there to support and encourage me. My heart over flows with love for the people who have come and gone from my life, who have touched my heart and because they did helped to create in me the person I am today. I woke up in love with all those who have crossed my path in any way, face to face and on line...
I am beyond blessed to have so many people in my life who love me and who I love on this day that we choose to celebrate love.
Do I want romantic love in my life? Of course I do. But I am not going to sit here feeling sorry for myself when there are so many in my life who I already love and who love me. Do I get the candle light dinner this year? No, but then there is always next year. As one of my daughters informed me a couple of weeks ago, “Mom, it is impossible to not love weeks ago, “Mom, it is impossible to not love you!”

So here is my Valentine’s Day wish for all of you. May you know the love all who are in your life, and may you to be “impossible to not love

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